Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gobble Gobble & Happy Thanksgiving!

November was a busy month but a good one. We got to celebrate Thanksgiving here in Texas this year. It was smaller than usual but very nice to spend time with extended family for sure!
Aiden and Alina are doing great, they love to play together now...for the most part, there is the occasional fight over a toy or book or whatever may be the hot item for the moment. We have been blessed with two wonderful children that we truly love and adore!!!
You can see the rest of the pictures from October and November by clicking on the below link:

Happy Halloween

October was a fun month, the kids got to go to a Carnival at Aunt Sissy's School, Aiden also had his Fall Festival at Preschool and on Halloween they got to Trick or Treat with their Texas cousins. I have to say that the boys were a little scared of all the costumes but Alina loved it!

Aug & Sept pics...

Here is the link to the pictures from August and September...

Alina's first birthday!!!!

September brought us our little girl's first birthday, we can't believe how fast this past year flew by! Alina had a Ladybug birthday party with her family and friends. She seemed to enjoy the party for the most part...when it came to digging into her cake she got scared of what we think was the birthday candle and started screaming, refusing to eat the cake. After several minutes of holding her and trying to calm her down I got her to eat some of her cake but she would only eat it if I was feeding it to her. There was no messing birthday girl this time, she was NOT having it! Thank you to everyone for celebrating our baby girl's birthday with us and for all of the wonderful thoughts and gifts!

Making memories...

August started out exciting with another trip planned up north to visit the Brown side of the family. Two days before we were scheduled to leave we got a very sad phone call telling us that Danny's Mammy had passed. We expected that trip to be our last visit with her, but never thought she would go before we got there. Needless to say, the start of our trip was heartbreaking.

Keith and Heather (brother & sis-in-law) had a great idea to visit Mammy and Granddad's cottage in Port Hope, MI on Lake Huron where we got to talk about fun times with Mammy and just had a blast and made new memories! Granddad even came up and joined us for a couple of days, I think it was a much needed visit for us all. We look forward to many more trips up to the cottage in the future.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

June & July 2009 update

As you can see we've had another wild and crazy month...We got to take a vacation with my side of the family at the end of June into the first part of July. We all drove in a caravan over to Destin, FL and stayed a week. It was tons of fun and we made memories we'll never forget! We were so blessed to get to vacation with both sides of our family this year, being with family makes it more special.
Aiden is a typical 3 year old these days. We are learning that 3 is not as pleasant as 2 was! He is still a great kid, got to give him that. He is still obsessed with his super heroes and keeps us laughing on a daily basis. He adores his little sister more and more everyday.
Alina is changing so much everyday. She loves to play peek-a-boo now, although I have to say that usually one hand is over her face with the other on top of her's too cute to watch. She is getting such a cute personality, I love it! She is starting to try to stand without holding on...she'll use something to pull herself up and then let go and try to balance on her own. She doesn't have great balance so it doesn't last long but it is a good start to the next step. We recently had to take the bumper out of her crib due to her using it to climb. She actually fell completely out of the crib onto the floor. Like I said, so much so fast!
Danny and I are doing great. I recently went back to work, not really what we wanted but it is what we needed. I had just started looking and got a phone call from a staffing company looking for someone with my qualifications to fill a part-time position at a small CPA firm. It just kind of fell in my lap and has thus far as been a true blessing for us. It took Aiden some time to get adjusted to me being gone several hours a day and in some ways he is still adjusting. I have to make sure to give him special time and attention when I am home. Alina has adjusted with no problems.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the photos from this past month. You can view them all by clicking on the link below:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Alina is 9 months old!

We seriously don't know where the time goes! Our "babies" are growing up too fast, sometimes I just wish we could freeze time or even slow down and enjoy them more. This month Alina started crawling, she is now also pulling herself up and cruising around furniture and today has started using her walker to get around a little... she has been one busy girl!

You can see all the pictures from the past month if you click on the below link: